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As a grass-roots media company, PDX REAL needs your support to keep running!
We invite you to help us keep the stories flowing by supporting our grassroots community reporting.
Community reporting depends on you. We like it fresh and wish to provide perspectives and information that isn’t being talked about nearly enough, or perhaps at all. We’re especially interested in stories of people and insider information that showcases: corruption, waste, unworkability, public safety, or topics vital to the livability of our city.
Send your concise pitch with the basics of the 5 W’s in journalism (Who, What, When, Where and Why). If we don’t run with your information, please trust like we do that timing is everything. Sometimes what we learn from you appears in content at a later date, or it informs us in our investigative journey. Even duplicates from multiple sources tell us people are concerned and it is likely a matter of interest. So thank you in advance for communicating with us.
Whistleblowers and informants will never be shared without consent.
For inquiries related to speaking engagements, endorsements, media, and appearances, please email us at: [email protected] or text only at: 971-373-3414